Extra long braces with \begin{array}[t]

Here are two alternatives to your current setup:

  1. Put the construction inside another array.

  2. Use cases instead and a different layout.

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  \mathscr F = \left\{
    \begin{array}{@{} l @{}}
      \{B_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}:
        \begin{array}[t]{r @{~} l}
          \textit{i})   &  B_{\alpha} \text{ are open}\\
          \textit{ii})  &  \{B_{\alpha}\} \text{ is finitely inadequate}\\
          \textit{iii}) &  I \subset J \text{ and } A_{\alpha}=B_{\alpha} \text{ whenever } \alpha\in I

  \mathscr F =
    \{B_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}:
      \textit{i})   &  B_{\alpha} \text{ are open}\\
      \textit{ii})  &  \{B_{\alpha}\} \text{ is finitely inadequate}\\
      \textit{iii}) &  I \subset J \text{ and } A_{\alpha}=B_{\alpha} \text{ whenever } \alpha\in I


I propose two other variants, built upon Bmatrix , \parbox and an inline enumerate environment:




  \mathscr F =
      \{B_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}:\:
        \begin{enumerate*}[label =$ \roman*) $, itemjoin ={; \enspace}]
          \item $ B_{\alpha} $ are open
          \item $ \{B_{\alpha}\} $ is finitely inadequate
          \item$ I \subset J $ and $ A_{\alpha}=B_{\alpha} $ whenever $ \alpha\in I $.

  \mathscr F =
      \{B_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}:\;
        \begin{enumerate*}[label =$ \roman*) $, itemjoin ={; \enspace}]
          \item $ B_{\alpha} $ are open
          \item $ \{B_{\alpha}\} $ is finitely inadequate
          \item$ I \subset J $ and $ A_{\alpha}=B_{\alpha} $ whenever $\alpha\in I$.


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