Extract app icon from apk file

  • Rename the .apk file to .zip
  • Unzip it with a tool like 7zip
  • Find the icons as png files under: /res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png

Edit: Note that this file is not present in all apk files but in most of them. I could not find a better solution besides extracting all .png files and picking one from the list.

//if your apk is not installed ..only having .apk on sdcard   
  String APKFilePath = "mnt/sdcard/myapkfile.apk"; //For example...
     PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
     PackageInfo    pi = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(APKFilePath, 0);

    // the secret are these two lines....
     pi.applicationInfo.sourceDir       = APKFilePath;
     pi.applicationInfo.publicSourceDir = APKFilePath;

   Drawable APKicon = pi.applicationInfo.loadIcon(pm);
   String   AppName = (String)pi.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm);

you can refer this link

Get-apk icon

aapt tool ships with Android SDK, found under platform-tools should give you the details you need. apktool ships with aapt.

aapt d --values badging payload.apk

Using this output, you can extract the icon file out of apk (which is a zip file).