Extract the current DOM and print it as a string, with styles intact

I think this could be a solution (it took me nearly a whole day!).

It returns a string representing the DOM of any element, with all external styles included in the "style" attributes except default values, and does not permanently modify that element.

For example: console.log(document.body.serializeWithStyles());

You can load this code in Web Inspector command line or from a script tag in the body element but NOT in the head element because it requires the existence of document.body.

I have tested it on desktop Safari 5 (I don't have the mobile version).

It works like this:

For each element in the DOM:
1) caching the value of style.cssText property, which represents the inline style, in an array;
2) calling getComputedStyle on the element;
3) checking if we have the css default values lookup table corresponding to this element's tag name;
4) building it if not;
5) iterating through the result, finding which values are non default using the lookup table;
6) applying those non default style values to the element.
Then storing the outerHTML as the result;
For each element, restoring the inline styles from the cache;
Returning the previously stored result.

The code:

Element.prototype.serializeWithStyles = (function () {  

    // Mapping between tag names and css default values lookup tables. This allows to exclude default values in the result.
    var defaultStylesByTagName = {};

    // Styles inherited from style sheets will not be rendered for elements with these tag names
    var noStyleTags = {"BASE":true,"HEAD":true,"HTML":true,"META":true,"NOFRAME":true,"NOSCRIPT":true,"PARAM":true,"SCRIPT":true,"STYLE":true,"TITLE":true};

    // This list determines which css default values lookup tables are precomputed at load time
    // Lookup tables for other tag names will be automatically built at runtime if needed

    // Precompute the lookup tables.
    for (var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) {
        if(!noStyleTags[tagNames[i]]) {
            defaultStylesByTagName[tagNames[i]] = computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagNames[i]);

    function computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName) {
        var defaultStyle = {};
        var element = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(tagName));
        var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
        for (var i = 0; i < computedStyle.length; i++) {
            defaultStyle[computedStyle[i]] = computedStyle[computedStyle[i]];
        return defaultStyle;

    function getDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName) {
        tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
        if (!defaultStylesByTagName[tagName]) {
            defaultStylesByTagName[tagName] = computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName);
        return defaultStylesByTagName[tagName];

    return function serializeWithStyles() {
        if (this.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new TypeError(); }
        var cssTexts = [];
        var elements = this.querySelectorAll("*");
        for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
            var e = elements[i];
            if (!noStyleTags[e.tagName]) {
                var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(e);
                var defaultStyle = getDefaultStyleByTagName(e.tagName);
                cssTexts[i] = e.style.cssText;
                for (var ii = 0; ii < computedStyle.length; ii++) {
                    var cssPropName = computedStyle[ii];
                    if (computedStyle[cssPropName] !== defaultStyle[cssPropName]) {
                        e.style[cssPropName] = computedStyle[cssPropName];
        var result = this.outerHTML;
        for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
            elements[i].style.cssText = cssTexts[i];
        return result;

In case you want to capture the whole page, it is easier to just get all non-inline stylesheets and inline them.

The approach in the accepted answer is magnificent, but quite slow and touches the whole document.

I took the following approach to capture a page including style:

  1. document.documentElement.outerHTML;

  2. get all stylesheets from the document.styleSheets API

Along the lines of:

function captureCss(){
    var cssrules = "";
    var sheets = document.styleSheets;
    for(var i = 0; i<sheets.length; i++){
        if(!sheets[i].disabled && sheets[i].href != null) { // or sheets[i].href.nodeName == 'LINK'
            if(sheets[i].rules == null){ // can be null because of cross origin policy
                    var fetched = XHR GET(sheets[i].href); // works nicely because it hits the cache
                        cssrules += "<style>\n"+fetched+"\n</style>\n"
            for(var j=0;j<sheets[i].rules.length;j++){
                cssrules += "<style>\n"+sheets[i].rules[j].cssText+"\n</style>\n"
    return cssrules;
  1. Add the captured cssrules as the first thing of the header in the outerHtml html text

This way you get a self contained styled page.

This is obviously less applicable for partial content.

Can't you just do document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML? When I make changes in the inspector and then enter the above javascript in the console, it returns the updated HTML.

EDIT: I just tried putting that script in a function and attaching it to an onclick event. Made some updates in the inspector, clicked button, and it worked:


<button onclick="printDOM()">Print DOM</button>


function printDOM() {
    console.log(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML) ;