Extract the path from a full file-name in VBA
If you want to remove just the last item from your path, you can do it this way:
Left(nPath, InStrRev(nPath, "\") - 1)
finds the position of the last occurrence of\
truncates the string until that positionThe
is because you want also to remove that last\
Or you can try:
Sub sTest1()
Dim nPath1 As Variant, st As String
st = "Root\zTrash - No longer needed\NOC\NOC"
nPath1 = Split(st, "\")
ReDim Preserve nPath1(UBound(nPath1) - 1)
st = Join(nPath1, "\")
Debug.Print st
End Sub
This is useful if you want to remove more than one item (not just the last one) by changing 1
to 2 or 3 for example:
Sub sTest2()
Dim nPath1 As Variant, st As String, n As Long
st = "Root\zTrash - No longer needed\NOC\NOC"
For n = 1 To 3
nPath1 = Split(st, "\")
ReDim Preserve nPath1(UBound(nPath1) - n)
Debug.Print Join(nPath1, "\")
Root\zTrash - No longer needed\NOC
Root\zTrash - No longer needed
If you are fan of long formulas, this is another option:
- The idea is that you split by
- Then you get the last value in the array (with ubound, but you split twice)
- Then you get the difference between it and the whole length
- Then you pass this difference to the left as a parameter