Extracting a certain substring (email address)
Those look like what R might call a "person". There is an as.person()
function that can split out the email address. For example
v1 <- c("Persons Name <personsemail@email.com>","person 2 <person2@email.com>")
# [1] "personsemail@email.com" "person2@email.com"
For more information, see the ?person
help page.
One option with str_extract
from stringr
str_extract(v1, "(?<=\\<)[^>]+")
#[1] "personsemail@email.com" "person2@email.com"
You can look for the pattern "anything**, then <, then (anything), then >, then anything" and replace that pattern with the part between the parentheses, indicated by \1 (and an extra \ to escape).
sub('.*<(.*)>.*', '\\1', v1)
# [1] "personsemail@email.com" "person2@email.com"
** "anything" actually means anything but line breaks