Extracting substring from environment variable
You can use parameter expansion, which is available in any POSIX compliant shell.
$ export FOO=http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/ask
$ tmp="${FOO#*//}" # remove http://
$ echo "${tmp%%/*}" # remove everything after the first /
A more reliable, but uglier method would be to use an actual URL parser. Here is an example for python
$ echo "$FOO" | python -c 'import urlparse; import sys; print urlparse.urlparse(sys.stdin.read()).netloc'
If the URLs all follow this pattern I have this short and ugly hack for you:
echo "$FOO" | cut -d / -f 3
Can be done also with regex groups:
$ a="http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/ask"
$ perl -pe 's|(.*//)(.*?)(/.*)|\2|' <<<"$a"