Extracting variables from an expression

Assuming you don't have any built-in symbols in that list, you could simply do:

DeleteDuplicates@Cases[Leff, _Symbol, Infinity]
(* {da, ma, dm, mc, La, h, R} *)

If you do have symbols from built-in contexts or packages, you can simply pick out only those that are in the Global` context with:

With[{globalQ = Context@# === "Global`" &},
    DeleteDuplicates@Cases[Leff, _Symbol?globalQ, Infinity]

If you have a different default working context (e.g. local to notebook/cell or in a package), change the pattern test to the following, instead of globalQ:

currentContextQ = Context@# === $Context &

Using an undocumented function:

Reduce`FreeVariables[(mc dm^2 + mc/12*(h^2 + 3 R^2) + ma da^2 + ma/12 La^2)/
                     (mc dm + ma da)]
   {da, dm, h, La, ma, mc, R}

The below code for getAllVariables was lifted without attribution from some StackOverflow post.

headlist = {Or, And, Equal, Unequal, Less, LessEqual, Greater, 
   GreaterEqual, Inequality};

getAllVariables[f_?NumericQ] := Sequence[]
getAllVariables[{}] := Sequence[]
getAllVariables[t_] /; MemberQ[headlist, t] := Sequence[]

getAllVariables[ll_List] := 
 Flatten[Union[Map[getAllVariables[#] &, ll]]]

getAllVariables[Derivative[n_Integer][f_][arg__]] := 

getAllVariables[f_Symbol[arg__]] := 
  If[MemberQ[Attributes[f], NumericFunction] || MemberQ[headlist, f], 
   fvars = getAllVariables[{arg}],(*else*)fvars = f[arg]];

getAllVariables[other_] := other


Leff = (mc dm^2 + mc/12*(h^2 + 3 R^2) + ma da^2 + ma/12 La^2)/(mc dm +
     ma da)

(* Out[254]= {da, ma, dm, mc, ma, da, ma, La, mc, dm, mc, h, R} *)