Fabric : /ios/Pods/Fabric/run”: No such file or directory

Using Flutter this came up again after the most recent update of Crashlytics.

Adding pod 'Fabric' to the Podfile fixed this.

I stumbled upon this issue after upgrading to the new Crashlytics SDK as of recent. The issue for the main post and my issue is probably different but I thought I'd just put it here anyways in case someone else stumbled upon it.

After updating my pods to use the newest SDK which will replace the old one starting November 15th 2020, I kept getting this error and I realised that its because the path to Fabric/run was still set in the Build Phases run script.

So beware that the info on the google page is not enough to upgrade your sdk https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/upgrade-sdk?platform=ios

You should actually perform all the steps that are explained in the getting started guide instead. https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?platform=ios

Step 3 is about changing the build phases within Xcode to properly use the new sdk version.

Please check if you are using correct quotation marks. You can copy code from below and just replece abc123 with correct values.

"${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run" abc123 abc123

I assume you have run the command pod install, don't you?