Facebook graph API - get custom profile picture size

You can use width/height as parameter:

graph.facebook.com/{user's FB ID}/picture?width=100&height=100

Just keep in mind that you may not get exact sizes, but very close ones.

https://graph.facebook.com/[[[[insertusersfbid]]]]/picture?type=large Is what i fall back to... https://graph.facebook.com/[[[[insertusersfbid]]]]/picture?width=2000&height=2000 Is when i want to muck with the image. If the user does not have an uploaded profilepicture; now fb returns the gender based default pic... I hope this helps someone else :)

Getting a bigger facebook profile picture via facebook php sdk, this worked for me:

$response = $fb->get('/me?fields=picture.width(400).height(400)', getenv('FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN'));

in 2019!