Fail to draw a line in a node

In \draw (O) -- (p), a line is drawn from the shape margin (which is the circle) of node (O) to node (coordinate) (p). Since nodes (O) and (p) are neighboring, the line degenerate to a dot, hence it looks like the line is not drawn. (You can use \draw (O) -- (m) to see the effect.)

With least changes, you can specify \draw[blue] ( -- (p); to draw from the center of node (O) to (p).

There is a difference between coordinate and node -- one uses space the other does not --if you remove the comment from \draw (O)--(m); you will see the difference

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm}


    \node [below left,inner sep=1pt] {$(0,0)$};
    \draw (0,-0.5) -- (0,4); %y軸
    \node [circle,draw=] (O) at (0,1.5) [minimum size=3cm] {}; %圓
    \draw [name path=x-axis] (-6,0) -- ($(-6,0)!2!(tangent cs:node=O,point={(-6,0)},solution=1)$); %x軸
    \coordinate (a) at (0,3.3);
    \path [name path=L] (a) -- ($(a)!8!(tangent cs:node=O,point={(a)},solution=2)$); %L
    \path [name path=L'] (a) -- ($(a)!8!(tangent cs:node=O,point={(a)},solution=1)$);
    \path [name intersections={of=x-axis and L, by=m}]; %(m,0)
    \path [name intersections={of=x-axis and L', by=-m}]; %(-m,0)
    \draw (a)--(m) node [below,inner sep=1pt] {$(m,0)$};
    \draw (a)--(-m) node [below,inner sep=1pt] {$(-m,0)$};
    \fill (O) circle (1pt) node [font=\scriptsize,right] at (O) {$O=(0,1)$};
    \coordinate [label=above right:$p$] (p) at ($(a)!(O)!(m)$){};
    \fill (p) circle (1pt);
%   \draw (O)--(m);
    \draw (0,1.5)--(p);
    \pic [draw,angle radius=2mm] {right angle = O--p--m};


A PSTricks solution only for fun purposes.


enter image description here

Extended Solution

\foreach \i in {1.5,1.6,...,3.5}{%

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf