Failed building wheel for uwsgi

Most linux package managers offer most things precompiled. For example on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install uwsgi-plugin-python3

This will make uwsgi globally available, not just within that one virtualenv, and is an alternative to installing a C compiler.

This is because there is no C compiler on the server. If you are using an instance on cloud like AWS or Digital Ocean gcc is typically not installed. So you need to install it manually

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc 
sudo pip install uwsgi # Sudo as the server requires root access

should solve the prolem

Your exception explicitly says what's wrong:

gcc_version_components = gcc_version.split('.')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'


raise Exception("you need a C compiler to build uWSGI")
Exception: you need a C compiler to build uWSGI

So in general your system does not have c compiler installed (e.g. gcc). Try installing it. In Ubuntu it would be sudo apt-get install gcc.

BTW. I think this question would better fit askubuntu page.