Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main'

Select the ViewController Scene. Now, select the inspector panel from the sidebar options. Check the “Is Initial View Controller” attribute option, save the project and build the project again.

By following the below steps, it would work fine:

  1. Select the Scene which is the type of ViewController/UICollectionViewController in Main.storyboard.
  2. Select the Attribute Inspector in the right sidebar.
  3. Click/Check the “Is Initial View Controller” attribute.
  4. Re-Run of the project and this should solve the issue.

Some times it doesn't take the initial view controller.Just create a new storyboard with anyname you want and set that name into the interface in your application setting.

Copy paste the code from previous storyboard and run the app. The application will run fine. Dont forget tocheck the initial scene in storyboard.