Failed to start NameNode

I resolved the issue by installing Hadoop 2.9.1, there was namenode issue in Hadoop 3.2.1 version hdfs namenode issue in 3.2.1

  1. If you have installed 32-bit Java version in your windows, uou have to set environtment variables JAVA_HOME path set as C:\Progra~2\Java\<JDK version> but it seems to not working.
  • Therefor you have to try 64-bit java version by setting you JAVA_HOME as C:\Progra~1\Java\<JDK version>.

After setting 64-bit Java version as JAVA_HOME you have to run start-all.cmd again in cmd. Then except namenode, all other deamons were worked. To run namenode you have to follow these steps.

  1. Open cmd as administrator.
  2. Type and run stop-all.cmd
  3. Then run hadoop namenode –format
  4. Finally run start-all.cmd

Hope it will work for you.


Go to your config files of hdfs with following codes (enter it in cmd or powershell)

vim %HADOOP_HOME%\etc\hadoop\hdfs-site.xml

In your config files, you need to use forward slashes and a protocol for the file URI

For example, change





