Fancybox - Updating size of fancybox with Iframe content?

I think I just have the same problem and in my case, fancybox.resize didn't work but this worked for me:

  'hideOnContentClick' : true,
  'width' : 500,
  'type' : 'iframe',
  'padding' : 35,
  'onComplete' : function() {
    $('#fancybox-frame').load(function() { // wait for frame to load and then gets it's height

Credit to Ian Hoar to posting that here:

For those who might come here using Fancybox 2:

This is the code that worked for me

                    autoSize: false,
                    autoDimensions: false,
                    width: 630,
                    height: 425,
                    fitToView: false,
                    padding: 0,
                    title: this.title,
                    href: $(this).attr('href'),
                    type: 'iframe'