Fast fixed point pow, log, exp and sqrt

Below is an example C implementation of Clay S. Turner's fixed-point log base 2 algorithm[1]. The algorithm doesn't require any kind of look-up table. This can be useful on systems where memory constraints are tight and the processor lacks an FPU, such as is the case with many microcontrollers. Log base e and log base 10 are then also supported by using the property of logarithms that, for any base n:

logₙ(x) = ───────

where, for this algorithm, m equals 2.

A nice feature of this implementation is that it supports variable precision: the precision can be determined at runtime, at the expense of range. The way I've implemented it, the processor (or compiler) must be capable of doing 64-bit math for holding some intermediate results. It can be easily adapted to not require 64-bit support, but the range will be reduced.

When using these functions, x is expected to be a fixed-point value scaled according to the specified precision. For instance, if precision is 16, then x should be scaled by 2^16 (65536). The result is a fixed-point value with the same scale factor as the input. A return value of INT32_MIN represents negative infinity. A return value of INT32_MAX indicates an error and errno will be set to EINVAL, indicating that the input precision was invalid.

#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include "log2fix.h"

#define INV_LOG2_E_Q1DOT31  UINT64_C(0x58b90bfc) // Inverse log base 2 of e
#define INV_LOG2_10_Q1DOT31 UINT64_C(0x268826a1) // Inverse log base 2 of 10

int32_t log2fix (uint32_t x, size_t precision)
    int32_t b = 1U << (precision - 1);
    int32_t y = 0;

    if (precision < 1 || precision > 31) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return INT32_MAX; // indicates an error

    if (x == 0) {
        return INT32_MIN; // represents negative infinity

    while (x < 1U << precision) {
        x <<= 1;
        y -= 1U << precision;

    while (x >= 2U << precision) {
        x >>= 1;
        y += 1U << precision;

    uint64_t z = x;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
        z = z * z >> precision;
        if (z >= 2U << (uint64_t)precision) {
            z >>= 1;
            y += b;
        b >>= 1;

    return y;

int32_t logfix (uint32_t x, size_t precision)
    uint64_t t;

    t = log2fix(x, precision) * INV_LOG2_E_Q1DOT31;

    return t >> 31;

int32_t log10fix (uint32_t x, size_t precision)
    uint64_t t;

    t = log2fix(x, precision) * INV_LOG2_10_Q1DOT31;

    return t >> 31;

The code for this implementation also lives at Github, along with a sample/test program that illustrates how to use this function to compute and display logarithms from numbers read from standard input.

[1] C. S. Turner, "A Fast Binary Logarithm Algorithm", IEEE Signal Processing Mag., pp. 124,140, Sep. 2010.

A good starting point is Jack Crenshaw's book, "Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming". It has a good discussion of algorithms and implementations for various transcendental functions.

Check my fixed point sqrt implementation using only integer operations. It was fun to invent. Quite old now.!topic/comp.lang.c/IpwKbw0MAxw/discussion

Otherwise check the CORDIC set of algorithms. That's the way to implement all the functions you listed and the trigonometric functions.

EDIT : I published the reviewed source on GitHub here

A very simple solution is to use a decent table-driven approximation. You don't actually need a lot of data if you reduce your inputs correctly. exp(a)==exp(a/2)*exp(a/2), which means you really only need to calculate exp(x) for 1 < x < 2. Over that range, a runga-kutta approximation would give reasonable results with ~16 entries IIRC.

Similarly, sqrt(a) == 2 * sqrt(a/4) == sqrt(4*a) / 2 which means you need only table entries for 1 < a < 4. Log(a) is a bit harder: log(a) == 1 + log(a/e). This is a rather slow iteration, but log(1024) is only 6.9 so you won't have many iterations.

You'd use a similar "integer-first" algorithm for pow: pow(x,y)==pow(x, floor(y)) * pow(x, frac(y)). This works because pow(double, int) is trivial (divide and conquer).

[edit] For the integral component of log(a), it may be useful to store a table 1, e, e^2, e^3, e^4, e^5, e^6, e^7 so you can reduce log(a) == n + log(a/e^n) by a simple hardcoded binary search of a in that table. The improvement from 7 to 3 steps isn't so big, but it means you only have to divide once by e^n instead of n times by e.

[edit 2] And for that last log(a/e^n) term, you can use log(a/e^n) = log((a/e^n)^8)/8 - each iteration produces 3 more bits by table lookup. That keeps your code and table size small. This is typically code for embedded systems, and they don't have large caches.

[edit 3] That's still not to smart on my side. log(a) = log(2) + log(a/2). You can just store the fixed-point value log2=0.6931471805599, count the number of leading zeroes, shift a into the range used for your lookup table, and multiply that shift (integer) by the fixed-point constant log2. Can be as low as 3 instructions.

Using e for the reduction step just gives you a "nice" log(e)=1.0 constant but that's false optimization. 0.6931471805599 is just as good a constant as 1.0; both are 32 bits constants in 10.22 fixed point. Using 2 as the constant for range reduction allows you to use a bit shift for a division.

[edit 5] And since you're storing it in Q10.22, you can better store log(65536)=11.09035488. (16 x log(2)). The "x16" means that we've got 4 more bits of precision available.

You still get the trick from edit 2, log(a/2^n) = log((a/2^n)^8)/8. Basically, this gets you a result (a + b/8 + c/64 + d/512) * 0.6931471805599 - with b,c,d in the range [0,7]. a.bcd really is an octal number. Not a surprise since we used 8 as the power. (The trick works equally well with power 2, 4 or 16.)

[edit 4] Still had an open end. pow(x, frac(y) is just pow(sqrt(x), 2 * frac(y)) and we have a decent 1/sqrt(x). That gives us the far more efficient approach. Say frac(y)=0.101 binary, i.e. 1/2 plus 1/8. Then that means x^0.101 is (x^1/2 * x^1/8). But x^1/2 is just sqrt(x) and x^1/8 is (sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(x))). Saving one more operation, Newton-Raphson NR(x) gives us 1/sqrt(x) so we calculate 1.0/(NR(x)*NR((NR(NR(x))). We only invert the end result, don't use the sqrt function directly.