Faster Development Rails or Django?

The Django admin will generate a CRUD application that you can customize to suit almost any need, from your model definitions. I've used the admin for the main user interface for several projects and can tell you that it is a real timesaver. You don't have to spend any time whatsoever at writing templates or Javascript.

Django also has generic views which can do object detail, list views, update or delete on any model without you worrying about the logic of the app. You just supply the templates, hook into the urls and you're basically done.

For deployment I'd say Django and Rails are now equal. Rails has been painful to deploy, but things have changed greatly.

For a simple contact database the admin might be the biggest difference between Rails and Django. And the fact that you can run your Django project locally, with a real webserver without any configuration ('python runserver').

unless you are exactly equally experienced on both, you should definately use the one you are most comfortable in. If you don't know any python and you don't know any ruby, then you probably shouldn't use either. If you know PHP, you can get similar results with CakePHP or CodeIgniter. If you another language, you can ask about a Rails like MVC framework for that language on this website

Without experience in either one, with only two weeks to deliver a product, I would choose neither. If you have limited time, you need to leverage what you already know. It would take you two weeks just to get comfortable in either environment. Rails and Django are both popular and make it easy to accomplish a lot with a little time because of the number of details that are done for you in the background, without you having to think about it. If you don't know what those details are, you're not going to be able to leverage the power of either platform, and you're going to end up with a codebase that is a tangled mess of code that you don't need and is going to impact maintainability.

I do take issue @knutin's comment about the ease of deployment with Rails. That might have been true a few years ago, but today a Rails app is pretty easy to deploy even on a naked server, and if you plan on deploying on heroku its even easier. As far as I know there isn't a platform for django apps that offers anything like the scalability or ease of deployment that heroku and rails offers.

if you're dead set on doing one or the other, I'd recommend rails with the use of formtastic for generating your CRUD forms. Formtastic offers far more flexibility than the built-in Rails scaffold generators do, so you can go back and make things better while still using them.

Lastly, if you're determined to use something despite a learning curve, I've heard a lot of good things about hobo though I haven't yet used it on a project. You may find it easier to get started with than straight-up Rails.