Fastest C++ way to convert float to string

Here are some of the fastest algorithms for converting floating point numbers into decimal string representation:

At the time of writing Dragonbox is the fastest of these methods, followed by Schubfach, then a variation of Grisu called Grisu-Exact (not to be confused with Grisu2 and Grisu3) and then Ryū:

enter image description here

An implementation of Dragonbox is available here. It is also included in the {fmt} library integrated into a high-level formatting API. For maximum performance you can use format_to with a stack-allocated buffer, for example:

fmt::memory_buffer buf;
fmt::format_to(buf, "{}", 4.2);
// returns a pointer to the formatted data & buf.size() gives the size

An optimization that comes in mind is to not directly use to_string, which creates a new string every time you call it. You probably end up copying that string too, which is not so efficient.

What you could do is to allocate a char buffer big enough to store all the string representations that you need, then use printf

reusing the same buffer all the time. If you limit the precision of your floats to a fixed amount of decimals, you can compute the offset to which your float is represented in the array.

for example if we only had an array of values:

index = 1;
float f = value[index];
//corrresponding 6 chars float
const char* s = char_array[index*1];
//the representation will start at position 6, and it will be null terminated so you can use it as a string

for clarification your char_array will look like:
