Fastest hash for non-cryptographic uses?

fcn     time  generated hash
crc32:  0.03163  798740135
md5:    0.0731   0dbab6d0c841278d33be207f14eeab8b
sha1:   0.07331  417a9e5c9ac7c52e32727cfd25da99eca9339a80
xor:    0.65218  119
xor2:   0.29301  134217728
add:    0.57841  1105

And the code used to generate this is:

 $loops = 100000;
 $str = "ana are mere";

 echo "<pre>";

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $x = crc32($str);
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\ncrc32: \t" . round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $x = md5($str);
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\nmd5: \t".round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $x = sha1($str);
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\nsha1: \t".round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $l = strlen($str);
  $x = 0x77;
   $x = $x xor ord($str[$j]);
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\nxor: \t".round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $l = strlen($str);
  $x = 0x08;
   $x = ($x<<2) xor $str[$j];
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\nxor2: \t".round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

 $tss = microtime(true);
 for($i=0; $i<$loops; $i++){
  $l = strlen($str);
  $x = 0;
   $x = $x + ord($str[$j]);
 $tse = microtime(true);
 echo "\nadd: \t".round($tse-$tss, 5) . " \t" . $x;

CRC32 is pretty fast and there's a function for it:

But you should be aware that CRC32 will have more collisions than MD5 or even SHA-1 hashes, simply because of the reduced length (32 bits compared to 128 bits respectively 160 bits). But if you just want to check whether a stored string is corrupted, you'll be fine with CRC32.

There's a speed comparison on the xxHash repository. This is what it shows, on January 12, 2021.

Hash Name Width Bandwidth (GB/s) Small Data Velocity Quality Comment
XXH3 (SSE2) 64 31.5 GB/s 133.1 10
XXH128 (SSE2) 128 29.6 GB/s 118.1 10
RAM sequential read N/A 28.0 GB/s N/A N/A for reference
City64 64 22.0 GB/s 76.6 10
T1ha2 64 22.0 GB/s 99.0 9 Slightly worse [collisions]
City128 128 21.7 GB/s 57.7 10
XXH64 64 19.4 GB/s 71.0 10
SpookyHash 64 19.3 GB/s 53.2 10
Mum 64 18.0 GB/s 67.0 9 Slightly worse [collisions]
XXH32 32 9.7 GB/s 71.9 10
City32 32 9.1 GB/s 66.0 10
Murmur3 32 3.9 GB/s 56.1 10
SipHash 64 3.0 GB/s 43.2 10
FNV64 64 1.2 GB/s 62.7 5 Poor avalanche properties
Blake2 256 1.1 GB/s 5.1 10 Cryptographic
SHA1 160 0.8 GB/s 5.6 10 Cryptographic but broken
MD5 128 0.6 GB/s 7.8 10 Cryptographic but broken

It seems xxHash is by far the fastest one, while many others beat older hashes, like CRC32, MD5 and SHA.