Fastest way of computing the power that a "power of 2" number used?

This operation is sufficiently popular for processor vendors to come up with hardware support for it. Check out find first set. Compiler vendors offer specific functions for this, unfortunately there appears to be no standard how to name it. So if you need maximum performance you have to create compiler-dependent code:

# ifdef __GNUC__  
    return __builtin_ffs( x ) - 1; // GCC
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    return CHAR_BIT * sizeof(x)-__lzcnt( x ); // Visual studio

Building on woolstar's answer - I wonder if a binary search of a lookup table would be slightly faster? (and much nicer looking)...

int getThePowerOfTwo(int value) {
    static constexpr int twos[] = {
        1<<0,  1<<1,  1<<2,  1<<3,  1<<4,  1<<5,  1<<6,  1<<7,
        1<<8,  1<<9,  1<<10, 1<<11, 1<<12, 1<<13, 1<<14, 1<<15,
        1<<16, 1<<17, 1<<18, 1<<19, 1<<20, 1<<21, 1<<22, 1<<23,
        1<<24, 1<<25, 1<<26, 1<<27, 1<<28, 1<<29, 1<<30, 1<<31

    return std::lower_bound(std::begin(twos), std::end(twos), value) - std::begin(twos);

If input value is only 2^n where n - integer, optimal way to find n is to use hash table with perfect hash function. In that case hash function for 32 unsigned integer could be defined as value % 37

template < size_t _Div >
std::array < uint8_t, _Div > build_hash()
    std::array < uint8_t, _Div > hash_;

    std::fill(hash_.begin(), hash_.end(), std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());

    for (size_t index_ = 0; index_ < 32; ++index_)
        hash_[(1 << index_) % _Div] = index_;

    return hash_;

uint8_t hash_log2(uint32_t value_)
    static const std::array < uint8_t, 37 > hash_ = build_hash<37> ();

    return hash_[value_%37];


int main()
    for (size_t index_ = 0; index_ < 32; ++index_)
        assert(hash_log2(1 << index_) == index_);   


