Fatal Error HRESULT=0x80131c08 while debugging in Visual Studio 2010

I had this error when I automatically attach to a process in C# code using the EnvDTE namespace. The process that was attached unexpectedly ended (the process was killed somehow?) and therefore the debugger timed-out. Probably a unlucky moment, after that message with the HRESULT=0x80131c08 error I also got another message saying: could not not detach from proces X (the automatically attached process) due to a unrecoverable API failure. Hopefully this might be of some help so some one some day.

This had nothing to do with my configuration, VMware / Memory. I am embarrassed to say it was completely my fault. Issue in my code with an array, although I have never been able to cause Visual Studio to crash before with my own code. Apologies for wasting your time @Hans Passant.

I have come across this error (among others) when attaching WinDbg (non-invasive) to a process while the VisualStudio 2013 debugger is attached. If you ask why I'd even do such a thing, it's because VS 2013 no longer supports loading SOS into the VS debugger!