\fbox around type area

The idea is to typeset a minipage and frame it; however we have to push it a bit leftwards and avoid overfull boxes; here's a way:


\NewDocumentEnvironment{fminipage}{m O{\fboxsep}}




You can also call it like


with any dimension you like, for stating the separation from the lines above and below (default is \fboxsep).

enter image description here

You can use a negative space to reset the indentation


text text text

  \begin{minipage}[t]{\widthof{text in box}}
    text in box

more text

Also you need to remove the spurious space with % after \fbox.

enter image description here

If i understand you correctly then you want to \hskip/\hspace* left by 2\fboxsep and \fboxrule.


text text text

\hspace*{\dimexpr-2\fboxsep-\fboxrule} \fbox{
  \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth - 2\fboxsep}
   text in box

  more text

