Feedback diagram

It seems that you are new to TikZ. I recommend using simple way to draw. A simple figure should be drawn by a simple way.

enter image description here

        minimum height=1cm,
        minimum width=3cm}}
(0,0)       node[block] (N) {Neural Network}
++(-90:2.5) node[block] (C) {Cost of the error}
+(-90:2)    node[block] (O) {Optimizer};

\draw[<-] (N.north)--+(90:.5) node[above,black] {Input};
\draw[->] (N)--(C) node[midway,right,black] {Calculated output};
\draw[<-] (C.east)--+(0:.5) node[right,black] {Actual output};
\draw[->] (C)--(O);
\draw[<-] (N)--++(180:3) coordinate (A)--++(-90:5.5) coordinate (B)-|(O);
\path (A)--(B) node[midway,left,align=left,black] {New weights\\and constants};

Update 1. You can change arrows by putting >=stealth as an option of the tikzpicture. Arrows in Zarko's answer seems to be the most good looking ^^

\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,red!70!black,>={Straight Barb[angle=60:3pt 2]}]

enter image description here

Update 2. In case one doesn't remember options in library arrows.meta, then an user-defined arrow is also convenient. Here I designed an arrow named meme, with color cyan, using pic. I see that option [sloped, pos] is very nice for this purpose.

enter image description here

    minimum height=1cm,
    minimum width=3cm},
meme/.pic={% my favourite arrow
    \draw[teal] (150:6pt)--(0,0)--(-150:6pt);}
(0,0)       node[block] (N) {Neural Network}
++(-90:2.5) node[block] (C) {Cost of the error}
+(-90:2)    node[block] (O) {Optimizer};

\draw ([yshift=.5mm]N.north)--+(90:.5) pic[pos=0,sloped,xscale=-1]{meme}
node[above,black] {Input};
\draw (N)--(C) pic[pos=1,sloped]{meme} 
node[midway,right,black]{Calculated output};
\draw ([xshift=.5mm]C.east)--+(0:.5) pic[pos=0,sloped,xscale=-1]{meme}
node[right,black]{Actual output};
\draw (C)--(O) pic[pos=1,sloped]{meme};
\draw (N)--++(180:3) coordinate (A) pic[pos=0,sloped]{meme}
--++(-90:5.5) coordinate (B)-|(O);
\path (A)--(B) node[midway,left,align=left,black] {New weights\\and constants};


        block/.style = {draw, rectangle,
            minimum height=1cm,
            minimum width=2cm},
        input/.style = {coordinate,node distance=1cm},
        output/.style = {coordinate,node distance=4cm},
        line/.style={draw, -latex'}}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=1cm,>=latex']
            \node [input, name=input] {};
            \node [block, below=of input] (nn) {Neural Network};
            \node [block, below=of nn] (error) {Cost of the error};
            \node [input, right=of error, name=out] {};
            \node [block, below=of error] (opt) {Optimiser};
            \draw (input) -- node {Input} (nn);
            \draw (out) -- node[xshift=1.75cm, yshift=0.3cm] {Actual output} (error) ;
            \draw (nn) -- node {Calculated output} (error);
            \draw (error) -- (opt);
            \draw (opt.south) |- ++ (-6em,-1em) |- (nn)
            node[pos=0.25,left,align=left]{New weights\\ and constants};

enter image description here

I have changed your code as little as possible as follows:

1) To get the same color as in your example, I used Stefan Trost's free pipette tool: And with the xcolor package I define the same color:

 \definecolor{myred}{RGB}{149, 55, 53}

2) the block has a minimum width of 3 cm

block/.style = {draw, rectangle,fill=myred,text=white,
            minimum height=1cm,
            minimum width=3cm}

3) to draw an arrow to the block (error), I first place a node to its right and then an arrow with the edge syntax

\node[right=of error]{Actual output}edge[->](error);

4) for the arrow that goes around, I place an auxiliary node (aux)

 % auxiliary node (aux)
            \node [coordinate,below left=4mm and 10 mm of opt](aux){};

and use the syntax |- and -| in order to draw square lines. I place the text at position 0.25

\draw [->](opt)|-(aux)|-node[pos=.25,align=left]{New weigths \\and constant}(nn);



\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{149, 55, 53}
        block/.style = {draw, rectangle,fill=red,text=white,
            minimum height=1cm,
            minimum width=3cm},
        input/.style = {coordinate,node distance=1cm},
        output/.style = {coordinate,node distance=4cm},
        arrow/.style={draw, -latex,node distance=2cm},
        pinstyle/.style = {pin edge={latex-, black,node distance=2cm}},
        sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance=1cm},
    \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
    \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=1cm,>=latex']
            \node [input, name=input] {};
            \node [block, below=of input] (nn) {Neural Network};
            \node [block, below=of nn] (error) {Cost of the error};
            \node[right=of error]{Actual output}edge[->](error);
            %\node [ right=of error, name=out] {};
            \node [block, below=of error] (opt) {Optimiser};
            % auxiliary node (aux)
            \node [coordinate,below left=4mm and 10 mm of opt](aux){};
            \draw [draw,->] (input) -- node {Input} (nn);
            %\draw [draw,->] (out) -- node[xshift=1.75cm, yshift=0.3cm] {Actual output} (error) ;
            \draw [->] (nn) -- node {Calculated output} (error);
            \draw [->] (error) -- (opt);
            \draw [->](opt)|-(aux)|-node[pos=.25,align=left]{New weigths \\and constant}(nn);