Field Initializer in C# Class not Run when Deserializing

On deserialization neither the constructors nor the field initializers are called and a "blank" un-initialized object is used instead.

To resolve it you can make use of the OnDeserializing or OnDerserialized attributes to have the deserializer call a function with the following signature:

void OnDeserializing(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext c);

In that function is where you can initialize whatever was missed within the deserialization process.

In terms of convention, I tend to have my constructor call a method OnCreated() and then also have deserializating method call the same thing. You can then handle all of the field initialization in there and be sure it's fired before deserialization.

public abstract class MyAbstract
    protected Dictionary<int, string> myDict;

    protected MyAbstract()

    private void OnCreated()
        myDict = new Dictionary<int, string>();

    private void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext c)

    private bool MyMethod(int key)
        return myDict.ContainsKey(key);

    private int myProp;

    public int MyProp
        get { return myProp; }
        set { bool b = MyMethod(value); myProp = value; }

Another approach is to access your field through a protected (in your example) property, and initialise the field using the null-coalescing (??) operator

protected Dictionary<int, string> myDict = new Dictionary<int, string>(); 

protected Dictionary<int, string> MyDict
        return myDict ?? (myDict = new Dictionary<int, string>());

The downsides are that you lose the benefits of readonly, and need to make sure that you only access the value via the property.