Figure with caption within an itemize list not indenting correctly

Don't use a floating environment (such as figure) if you want your image to appear in the exact position where you write it. You can use a minipage and, if a caption is required, the \captionof command (provided by the capt-of package or by the caption package).

In the following example I illustrate this approach; I also used the `enumitem package to customize the labels for the inner list:

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% demo option just for the example

    \item Describing large-scale processor activity.
    \item To discuss digital systems of this scale and level of complexity
    we need a number of descriptive tools.
    \item For example:                                                 
        \item Circuit schematics highlight the circuit components and
        their connectivity.\par
            \captionof{figure}{Transfer from R1 to R2 whenK1=1}
        \item Timing diagrams highlight the detailed time sequence of
        transfer between registers.\par


enter image description here