Fill area of curve above a line using pgfplots
Here's a macro that generates a new table \interpolated
that places points on your original data at every intersection with a certain y-value. You call it using \findintersections{<table macro}{<value>}
To plot the area above the line, you would then use \addplot[fill,gray!20!white,no markers,line width=2pt] table [y=above line] {\interpolated};
, or ...table [y=below line]
for the area below the line.
In order to close the area properly in case your plot stops or begins above the cutoff line, you should add |- (current plot begin)
at the end of the plot command.
0 0.2
1 0.217
2 0.255
3 0.288
6 0.58
7 0.91
8 1.02
10 1.05
12 0.92
13 0.78
15 0.56
17 1.1
\pgfplotstablegetelem{\pgfplotstablerow}{0}\of{\data} \let\xb=\pgfplotsretval
\pgfplotstablegetelem{\pgfplotstablerow}{1}\of{\data} \let\yb=\pgfplotsretval
\pgfplotstablegetelem{\previousrow}{0}\of{\data} \let\xa=\pgfplotsretval
\pgfplotstablegetelem{\previousrow}{1}\of{\data} \let\ya=\pgfplotsretval
\xa+(\ya-#1)/(ifthenelse(\yb==\ya,1,\ya-\yb) )*(\xb-\xa) }
\edef\test{\noexpand\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma,row sep=crcr,header=has colnames]{
\pgfplotstablesort[sort cmp={float <}]\interpolated{\interpolated}
create on use/above line/.style={
create col/expr={max(\thisrow{1},#1)}
create on use/below line/.style={
create col/expr={min(\thisrow{1},#1)}
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} % For nicer label placement
xlabel=Time of day,
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
\addplot[fill,gray!20!white,no markers,line width=2pt] table [y=above line] {\interpolated} |- (current plot begin);
\addplot[fill,yellow!20!white,no markers,line width=2pt] table [y=below line] {\interpolated} |- (current plot begin);
\addplot[orange,no markers,line width=2pt,domain=-1:20] {0.9};
\addplot[blue,line width=2pt,mark=*] table {\data};
With the recently released pgfplots 1.10 and its fillbetween
(I learned it from Elke here) it's much easier.
- Load the library:
- Give the plots a name:
\addplot[name path=curve,orange, ...
Add a fill plot:
\addplot fill between[ of = curve and line, split, % calculate segments every even segment/.style = {yellow!20!white}, every odd segment/.style ={gray!20!white} ];
Complete example:
0 0.2
1 0.217
2 0.255
3 0.288
6 0.58
7 0.91
8 1.02
10 1.05
12 0.92
13 0.78
15 0.56
17 1.1
xlabel=Time of day,
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
\addplot[name path=curve,orange,no markers,line width=2pt,domain=0:17] {0.9};
\addplot[name path=line,blue,line width=2pt,mark=*] table {\data};
\addplot fill between[
of = curve and line,
split, % calculate segments
every even segment/.style = {yellow!20!white},
every odd segment/.style ={gray!20!white}