Fill DataGridView from SQLite DB (C#)

If you dont want to disturb the columns you can read the rows one by one using SQLiteDataReader and put it into the datagridview..

private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand("Select * From Patients", conn);
    using (SQLiteDataReader read = comm.ExecuteReader())
        while (read.Read())
            dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 
            read.GetValue(0),  // U can use column index
            read.GetValue(read.GetOrdinal("PatientName")),  // Or column name like this


1) Set AutoGenerateColumns to false

2) dgv.Columns["Item"].DataPropertyName = "Item"; dgv.Columns["Quantity"].DataPropertyName = "Quantity";

3) Then instead of select * from table1 use select item Item,quantity Quantity from table1