Fill three.js scene with a grid
Since ThreeJS r57 onwards, there is a helper called GridHelper using which you can easily draw a nice grid, just like any other geometric object.
GridHelper takes 2 parameters. First one is the size of the grid and the 2nd one is the size of the step between 2 lines
Below is the code to draw the grid on the scene, with the size = 100 and step = 10
var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(100, 10);
In your case, you can avoid having a method called drawGrid and directly replace that with the above two lines code, or you can add these above two lines of code with in the drawgrid method.
A live example is available here in the following link
Grid Helper Example
You can draw a grid like this.
// each square
var planeW = 50; // pixels
var planeH = 50; // pixels
var numW = 50; // how many wide (50*50 = 2500 pixels wide)
var numH = 50; // how many tall (50*50 = 2500 pixels tall)
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.PlaneGeometry( planeW*numW, planeH*numH, planeW, planeH ),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
color: 0x000000,
wireframe: true
} )