Filter out rows based on list of strings in Pandas

Had a similar question, found this old thread, I think there are other ways to get the same result. My issue with @EdChum's solution for my particular application is that I don't have a list that will be matched exactly. If you have the same issue, .isin isn't meant for that application.

Instead, you can also try a few options, including a numpy.where:

  removelist = ['ayside','rrowview']
  df['flagCol'] = numpy.where(df.stn.str.contains('|'.join(remove_list)),1,0)

Note that this solution doesn't actually remove the matching rows, just flags them. You can copy/slice/drop as you like.

This solution would be useful in the case that you don't know, for example, if the station names are capitalized or not and don't want to go through standardizing text beforehand. numpy.where is usually pretty fast as well, probably not much different from .isin.

Use isin:

cleaned = df[~df['stn'].isin(remove_list)]

In [7]:

remove_list = ['Arbutus','Bayside']
                          stn  years_of_data  total_minutes  avg_daily  \
1900-01-14  AlberniElementary              4           5745       34.1   
1900-01-14     AlberniWeather              6           7129       29.5   
1900-01-14          Arrowview              7          10080       27.6   

            TOA_daily  K_daily  
1900-01-14      114.6    0.298  
1900-01-14      114.6    0.257  
1900-01-14      114.6    0.241