Find a Windows 10 ISO to install it in a virtual machine
Microsoft now provides Windows 10 test VMs for Hyper-V, VMware and VirtualBox. Follow these steps:
- Navigate to
- Under Virtual Machine select: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
- Under Select Platform, select the virtualization technology of choice
- Download the .ZIP file
- Unzip the VM and import it into your virtualization platform
This VM will allow you to test Windows 10 for up to 90 days. You can activate the VM by entering your Windows product key which will eliminate the 90 day limit.
There's another option to download the ISOs from Microsoft. You just have to either use a non-Windows PC (Linux, Mac, Android, whatever...) or use a user-agent spoofer tool so Microsoft's website thinks you're not in Windows. I used this one for Chrome: (User-Agent Switcher for Chrome)
The reason is that if they see you use Windows they'll offer you their downloader EXE, which can only download to drive C: and if it's full (which is usual when using a small SSD drive as the main one) you can't download even if you have a secondary drive with several free TBs, since you can't choose another drive.
If their site thinks you're not on Windows, they'll offer you direct download links to the ISOs valid for 24h.
The URL to get the ISOs is this one (remember to use a spoofer or a non-Windows device or you won't be able to get the links to the ISOs from this page, and will get links to the tool instead):