Find all intersecting data, not just the unique values

var set = new HashSet(list1.Intersect(list2));
return list1.Concat(list2).Where(i=>set.Contains(i));

Let's see if we can precisely characterize what you want. Correct me if I am wrong. You want: all elements of list 1, in order, that also appear in list 2, followed by all elements of list 2, in order, that also appear in list 1. Yes?

Seems straightforward.

return list1.Where(x=>list2.Contains(x))

Note that this is not efficient for large lists. If the lists have a thousand items each then this does a couple million comparisons. If you're in that situation then you want to use a more efficient data structure for testing membership:

list1set = new HashSet(list1);
list2set = new HashSet(list2);

return list1.Where(x=>list2set.Contains(x))

which only does a couple thousand comparisons, but potentially uses more memory.