Find an object in array?

FWIW, if you don't want to use custom function or extension, you can:

let array = [ .... ]
if let found = find({ $ }), "Foo") {
    let obj = array[found]

This generates name array first, then find from it.

If you have huge array, you might want to do:

if let found = find(lazy(array).map({ $ }), "Foo") {
    let obj = array[found]

or maybe:

if let found = find(lazy(array).map({ $ == "Foo" }), true) {
    let obj = array[found]

Swift 3

If you need the object use:

array.first{$ == "Foo"}

(If you have more than one object named "Foo" then first will return the first object from an unspecified ordering)

You can use the index method available on Array with a predicate (see Apple's documentation here).

func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?

For your specific example this would be:

Swift 5.0

if let i = array.firstIndex(where: { $ == "Foo" }) {
    return array[i]

Swift 3.0

if let i = array.index(where: { $ == Foo }) {
    return array[i]

Swift 2.0

if let i = array.indexOf({ $ == Foo }) {
    return array[i]


Check if the element exists

if array.contains(where: {$ == "foo"}) {
   // it exists, do something
} else {
   //item could not be found

Get the element

if let foo = array.first(where: {$ == "foo"}) {
   // do something with foo
} else {
   // item could not be found

Get the element and its offset

if let foo = array.enumerated().first(where: {$ == "foo"}) {
   // do something with foo.offset and foo.element
} else {
   // item could not be found

Get the offset

if let fooOffset = array.firstIndex(where: {$ == "foo"}) {
    // do something with fooOffset
} else {
    // item could not be found


