Find and Replace several several different values all at once

Since Notepad++ 6.0 it is actually possible without scripts using the following technique:

Find: Text_1 and Replace with: Text_A

Find: Text2 and Replace with: TextB

Find: (Text_1)|(Text2)

Replace: (?1Text_A)(?2TextB)

The general syntax is:

Find: (FindA)|(FindB)|(FindC)...

Replace: (?1ReplaceA)(?2ReplaceB)(?3ReplaceC)...

?1 refers to the first captured phrase and so on.

I got this from the following answer:

Take a look at Sed. You can easily achieve your goal by only one command line

sed -e "s/Text_1/TextA/" -e "s/Text1/TextB/" <your_file.txt>your_file_new.txt

Using Notepad++, You can either

  • Open all files containing the words you want to replace and make use of Find / Replace in all open files

    enter image description here

  • Use Find / Replace in files

    enter image description here

  • Record a macro performing the find and replace options and play it back