Find and Replace symbol for whole project intellij?

For me, worked:

Ctrl + H - To replace all occurrences in a specific file

Ctrl + Shift + H - To replace all occurrences in all files

But I remember I have configured my key map in VSCode style. Also, I am working on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, but it looks unrelated.

Windows/Linux Shortcut


MacOS Shortcut

shift ⇧command ⌘R

Common Shortcut

Press SHIFT twice and type Replace in Path

You get an option to apply file mask, scope, etc.


Here is the Visual representation for better understanding.

Replacing a piece of text in all the files within the specified path do one of the following:

  • On the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Replace in Path
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + R

You can try Ctrl + Shift + F.

And if you are using Eclipse keymap for IntelliJ then you can use Ctrl + H.