Find largest document size in MongoDB

You can use a small shell script to get this value.

Note: this will perform a full table scan, which will be slow on large collections.

let max = 0, id = null;
db.test.find().forEach(doc => {
    const size = Object.bsonsize(doc); 
    if(size > max) {
        max = size;
        id = doc._id;
print(id, max);

Note: this will attempt to store the whole result set in memory (from .toArray) . Careful on big data sets. Do not use in production! Abishek's answer has the advantage of working over a cursor instead of across an in memory array.

If you also want the _id, try this. Given a collection called "requests" :

// Creates a sorted list, then takes the max
db.requests.find().toArray().map(function(request) { return {size:Object.bsonsize(request), _id:request._id}; }).sort(function(a, b) { return a.size-b.size; }).pop();

// { "size" : 3333, "_id" : "someUniqueIdHere" }

