Find my word(s)!
Javascript (ES6), 908 901 609 603 556 552 bytes
`,b=a.slice(2).map(r=>r.length?r.replace(/./g,i=>i+` `).trim().split``:Array(a[2].length*2-1).fill(` `)),a[0].split` `.forEach(c=>{for(y=0;y<b.length;y+=2){for(x=0;x<b[y].length;x+=2){c[0]==b[y][x]&&(d=[-2,0,2]).map(l=>{>{e=`\\|/
inp => (
inp = inp.toLowerCase().replace(/\n/g, `
`).split `
puzzle = inp.slice(2).map(r => r.length ? r.replace(/./g, i => i + ` `).trim().split `` : Array(inp[2].length * 2 - 1).fill(` `)),
inp[0].split ` `.forEach(word => {
for (y = 0; y < puzzle.length; y += 2) {
for (x = 0; x < puzzle[y].length; x += 2) {
word[0] == puzzle[y][x] &&
(dirs = [-2, 0, 2]).map(ydir => { => {
symb = `\\|/
`)[ydir / 2 + 1][xdir / 2 + 1];
try {
(findWord = (chnum, xcoord, ycoord) =>
chnum >= word.length ? 1 : (
ch = word[chnum],
((xdir || ydir) && puzzle[ycoord + ydir][xcoord + xdir] == ch && findWord(chnum + 1, xcoord + xdir, ycoord + ydir)) ?
(puzzle[ycoord + ydir / 2][xcoord + xdir / 2] = ((puzzle[ycoord + ydir / 2][xcoord + xdir / 2] == '\\' && symb == '/') || (puzzle[ycoord + ydir / 2][xcoord + xdir / 2] == '/' && symb == '\\')) ? 'x' : symb)
: 0
)(1, x, y);
} catch (e) {}
}), => r.join ``).join `
Test (should work with modern browsers that have some ES6 support):
`,b=a.slice(2).map(r=>r.length?r.replace(/./g,i=>i+` `).trim().split``:Array(a[2].length*2-1).fill(` `)),a[0].split` `.forEach(c=>{for(y=0;y<b.length;y+=2){for(x=0;x<b[y].length;x+=2){c[0]==b[y][x]&&(d=[-2,0,2]).map(l=>{>{e=`\\|/
<textarea id="_input">Atomic chess is cool
<br />
<button onclick="document.getElementById('_output').innerHTML = func(document.getElementById('_input').value)">Run!</button>
<br />
<pre id="_output"></pre>
JavaScript (ES6), 303 315
Mostly based on this answer
Edit 1
- Following OP comment, ignoring casing and forcing all to lowercase.
- Fixed the arguments, now just a single string argument that get splitted
Note: using template strings, there are 3 newlines in the code that are significant and incuded in the byte count
`).shift(r=l[1].length*4).split` `.map(v=>[2,-2,r,-r,r+2,-r-2,r-2,2-r].map((d,k)=>,p)=>[...v].some((c,i)=>z[i?(z[i=t+d/2]=z[i]>' '?'X':'-|\\/'[k>>1],t+=d):t=p]!=c,z=[...o])?0:o=z)),o=[>' '.repeat(r/2-1)+`
${[...s].join` `}
Explained (outdated)
// Note a pattern : in golfed code (but not in the following explanation),
// simple operations that have to done before calling .map or .every
// are inserted as parameter 2,3,etc... to the same function
// as each parameter is evaluated before calling a function
F=( l, // word list as a space separated string
o, // character grid as a newline separated string - each row is the same length
// default parameters used as local variables
r = 4 *`\n` // offset from a line to next nonblank line in resulting output
w = ' ', // shortcut for blank
// given the input string in o, build the result as a single dimension array filled with blanks
// between characters and runs of blank chars betweem each row
// .map used as a shorter .forEach
z = w, // init z to a single blank
[...o].map( c=> // for each char of o execute the following
c > w // check if c is a letter (>' ') or a newline
? z+=w+c // if c is a letter, add ' '+c to z
: ( // if c is a newline add chars to array o
z = z.slice(2), // remove the first 2 char of z (' ' or '\n ')
z = [...z], // convert to array
o.push(...z, // push one by one the chars of z
c, // then c (a newline)
...z.fill(w), // the same number of char as z, but all blanks
z = c // a newline again, meanwhile reset z
, o=[] // o is reset to an empty array just in the map call
// reusing o just to avoid another global variable (no real need in fact)
), // end of .map call
l.split` `.map( // split l into words and exec the following for each word
v => [2,-2,r,-r,r+2,-r-2,r-2,2-r].map( // for each scan direction
(d,k) => // d is the move offset , k is the index 0 to 7 // for each char in (including fill blanks and newlines, the scan will fail for them)
(t,p) => // t is the first character but NOT USED (var t reused), p is the start position
z=[...o], // make a copy of o in z
t = p-d, // current position-d goes in t, it will be incremented before using
[...v].every( // check the following conditions for every char of word v
(c,i) => // c: current char of word, i: index used to differentiate the first check when i==0
// while scanning I already modify the result working copy in z
i ? // if i != 0
// fill the intermediate position with the right fiil character
// based on direction index in k, or X if the position is already full
z[i = t+d/2] = z[i] > w ? 'X' : '--||\\\\//'[k]
: 0, // else do nothing
// case insensitive comparison, if not a letter parseInt returns NaN that is != from any value
// this is the condition retured to the .every function
parseInt(c,36)==parseInt(o[t+=d],36) // meanwhile increment position in T
) ? // check the result of .every
o = z // if true, update o from the working copy
: 0 // if false do nothing
) // end of operations
) // end of function call
) // end of direction list map function call
) // end of function call
, o.join``
console.log=(...x)=>O.textContent+=x.join` `+`\n`;
.shift(r=l[1].length*4).split` `.map(v=>[2,-2,r,-r,r+2,-r-2,r-2,2-r].map((d,k)=>,p)=>
[...v].some((c,i)=>z[i?(z[i=t+d/2]=z[i]>' '?'X':'-|\\/'[k>>1],t+=d):t=p]!=c
),o=[>' '.repeat(r/2-1)+`\n${[...s].join` `}\n`).join``.slice(r/2)])
console.log(F('Atomic chess is cool\nachess\nbtoikm\nbloosi\nnowmlp\nhewiir\nasdfec'))
<pre id=O></pre>
Python 3, 1387
k=input().lower().split(" ")
while 1:
if not a[-1]:a.pop();break
b=sum([[list(' '.join(list(i))),[' ']*(len(i)*2-1)]for i in a],[])[:-1]
for l in range(h):
r=a[l];c=list([1 if w in r else 2 if w in r[::-1] else 0, w] for w in k)
for t,v in c:
if not t:continue
if t==2:v=v[::-1]
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):b[l*2][m*2+1]="-"
for l in range(w):
u=''.join(x[l]for x in a);_=list([1 if w in u else 2 if w in u[::-1]else 0,w]for w in k)
for t,v in _:
if not t:continue
if t==2:v=v[::-1]
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):b[m*2+1][l*2]="|"
def d(g,r=1,o=0):
if g>=len(a[0]):o=g-w+1;g=w-1
f=range(0,min(g+1,h-o));return[a[i+o][w-1-(g-i)if r else g-i]for i in f],[(i+o,w-1-(g-i)if r else g-i)for i in f]
for l in range(w+h-1):
x,c=d(l);_=''.join(x);z=list([1 if w in _ else 2 if w in _[::-1]else 0,w]for w in k)
for t,v in z:
if not t:continue
if t==2:v=v[::-1]
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):b[c[m][0]*2+1][c[m][1]*2+1]="\\"
for l in range(w+h-1):
x,c=d(l,0);_=''.join(x);z=list([1 if w in _ else 2 if w in _[::-1]else 0,w]for w in k)
for t,v in z:
if not t:continue
if t==2:v=v[::-1]
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):y=c[m][0]*2+1;x=c[m][1]*2-1;j=b[y][x];b[y][x]="x"if j=="\\"else"/"
print('\n'.join(''.join(x) for x in b))
An "is" was missed in the second example
Atomic chess is cool
a c-h-e-s-s
\ \ /
b t o i k m
\ \ \
b l o o s-i
\ \
n o w m l p
h e w i i r
a s d f e c
Sorta ungolfed
words = input().lower().split(" ")
square = []
while 1:
if not square[-1]:square.pop();break
solved = sum([[list(' '.join(list(i))),[' ']*(len(i)*2-1)]for i in square], [])[:-1]
w,h = len(square[0]), len(square)
for l in range(h):
r = square[l]
rm = list([1 if w in r else 2 if w in r[::-1] else 0, w] for w in words)
for t,v in rm:
if not t:continue
v = v[::-1] if t==2 else v
i = r.index(v)
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):solved[l*2][m*2+1]="-"
for l in range(w):
u = ''.join(x[l] for x in square)
um = list([1 if w in u else 2 if w in u[::-1] else 0, w] for w in words)
for t,v in um:
if not t:continue
v = v[::-1] if t==2 else v
i = u.index(v)
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):solved[m*2+1][l*2]="|"
def d(m,ind,r=1,o=0):
if ind>=len(m[0]):o=ind-len(m[0])+1;ind=len(m[0])-1
f=range(0,min(ind+1,len(m)-o));return[m[i+o][len(m[0])-1-(ind-i)if r else ind-i]for i in f],[(i+o,len(m[0])-1-(ind-i)if r else ind-i)for i in f]
for l in range(w+h-1):
x,c = d(square,l)
dl = ''.join(x)
dlm = list([1 if w in dl else 2 if w in dl[::-1] else 0, w] for w in words)
for t,v in dlm:
if not t:continue
v = v[::-1] if t==2 else v
i = dl.index(v)
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):solved[c[m][0]*2+1][c[m][1]*2+1]="\\"
for l in range(w+h-1):
x,c = d(square,l,0)
dr = ''.join(x)
drm = list([1 if w in dr else 2 if w in dr[::-1] else 0, w] for w in words)
for t,v in drm:
if not t:continue
v = v[::-1] if
t==2 else v
i = dr.index(v)
for m in range(i,i+len(v)-1):y=c[m][0]*2+1;x=c[m][1]*2-1;j=solved[y][x];solved[y][x]="x"if j=="\\"else"/"
print('\n'.join(''.join(x) for x in solved))