find next greater number gaving same digits using python code example
Example 1: find next greater number with same set of digits javascript
start with a number
123456784 987654321
^the first place from the right where the left-digit is less than the right
Digit "x" is 4
123456784 987654321
^find the smallest digit larger than 4 to the right
123456785 4 98764321
^place it to the left of 4
123456785 4 12346789
^sort the digits to the right of 5. Since all of them except
the '4' were already in descending order, all we need to do is
reverse their order, and find the correct place for the '4'
Example 2: find next greater number with same digits
def findnext(ii):
for i in reversed(range(len(iis))):
if i == 0: return ii
if iis[i] > iis[i-1] :
for k in reversed(range(len(right))):
if right[k]>left[-1]:
return int("".join(map(str,(left+sorted(right)))))