Find number of decimal places in decimal value regardless of culture
I used Joe's way to solve this issue :)
decimal argument = 123.456m;
int count = BitConverter.GetBytes(decimal.GetBits(argument)[3])[2];
Since none of the answers supplied were good enough for the magic number "-0.01f" converted to decimal.. i.e: GetDecimal((decimal)-0.01f);
I can only assume a colossal mind-fart virus attacked everyone 3 years ago :)
Here is what seems to be a working implementation to this evil and monstrous problem, the very complicated problem of counting the decimal places after the point - no strings, no cultures, no need to count the bits and no need to read math forums.. just simple 3rd grade math.
public static class MathDecimals
public static int GetDecimalPlaces(decimal n)
n = Math.Abs(n); //make sure it is positive.
n -= (int)n; //remove the integer part of the number.
var decimalPlaces = 0;
while (n > 0)
n *= 10;
n -= (int)n;
return decimalPlaces;
private static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(1/3m); //this is 0.3333333333333333333333333333
Console.WriteLine(1/3f); //this is 0.3333333
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(0.0m)); //0
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(1/3m)); //28
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces((decimal)(1 / 3f))); //7
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(-1.123m)); //3
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(43.12345m)); //5
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(0)); //0
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(0.01m)); //2
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces(-0.001m)); //3
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces((decimal)-0.00000001f)); //8
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces((decimal)0.0001234f)); //7
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces((decimal)0.01f)); //2
Console.WriteLine(MathDecimals.GetDecimalPlaces((decimal)-0.01f)); //2