Find the Centroid of a Polygon

Mathematica, 23 bytes


Take THAT, Jelly!

Edit: One does not simply beat Jelly...



Generate a polygon with vertices at the points specified.


Find the centroid of the polygon.

Jelly, 25 24 22 21 18 bytes


Applies the formula shown in the problem.

Saved 3 bytes with help from @Jonathan Allan.

Try it online! or Verify all test cases.


S×3÷@×"  Helper link. Input: determinants on LHS, sum of pairs on RHS
S        Sum the determinants
 ×3      Multiply by 3
     ×"  Vectorized multiply between determinants and sums
   ÷@    Divide that by the determinant sum multipled by 3 and return

ṙ-żµÆḊçS€S  Main link. Input: 2d list of points
ṙ-          Rotate the list of points by 1 to the right
  ż         Interleave those with the original points
            This creates all overlapping slices of length 2
   µ        Start new monadic chain
    ÆḊ      Get the determinant of each slice
       S€   Get the sum of each slice (sum of pairs of points)
      ç     Call the helper link
         S  Sum and return

J, 29 bytes

2+/@(+/\(*%3*1#.])-/ .*\)],{.

Applies the formula shown in the problem.


   f =: 2+/@(+/\(*%3*1#.])-/ .*\)],{.
   f 0 0 , 1 0 , 1 1 ,: 0 1
0.5 0.5
   f _15.21 0.8 , 10.1 _0.3 ,: _0.07 23.55
_1.72667 8.01667
   f _39 _55.94 , _56.08 _4.73 , _72.64 12.12 , _31.04 53.58 , _30.36 28.29 , 17.96 59.17 , 0 0 , 10 0 , 20 0 , 148.63 114.32 , 8.06 _41.04 ,: _41.25 34.43
5.80105 15.0674


2+/@(+/\(*%3*1#.])-/ .*\)],{.  Input: 2d array of points P [[x1 y1] [x2 y2] ...]
                           {.  Head of P
                         ]     Get P
                          ,    Join, makes the end cycle back to the front
2                              The constant 2
2                      \       For each pair of points
                  -/ .*        Take the determinant
2    +/\                       Sum each pair of points
         *                     Multiply the sum of each pair by its determinant
          %                    Divide each by
             1#.]              The sum of the determinants
           3*                  Multiplied by 3
 +/@                           Sum and return