Find the diameter of a word graph

APL (Dyalog Classic), 84 80 77 76 74 66 61 bytes


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input and output are character matrices

⍵+.≠⍉⍵ matrix of hamming-like distances between words

9*⍨2⌊ leave 0s and 1s intact, turn 2+ into some large number (512=29, used as "∞")

⌊.+⍨⍣≡ floyd&warshall's shortest path algorithm

  • ⌊.+ like matrix multiplication but using min () and + instead of + and × respectively

  • use the same matrix on the left and right

  • ⍣≡ repeat until convergence

d←⌈/512|, length of longest (not "∞") path, assigned to d

⊃⍸a= which two nodes does it connect, let's call them i and j

{⍵,⍨⊃⍋(1≠a⌷⍨⊃⍵),⍪⍺⌷a}⍣d/ reconstruct the path

  • { }⍣d/ evaluate the { } function d times. the left arg is always i. the right arg starts as j and gradually accumulates the internal nodes of the path

  • (1≠a⌷⍨⊃⍵),⍪⍺⌷a build a 2-column matrix of these two vectors:

    • 1≠a⌷⍨⊃⍵ booleans (0 or 1) indicating which nodes are at distance 1 to the first of

    • ⍺⌷a distances of all graph nodes to

  • ⊃⍋ index of the lexicographically smallest row

  • ⍵,⍨ prepend to

⍵⌷⍨ index the original words with the path

Jelly, 20 bytes


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Python 3, 225 bytes

from itertools import*
def f(a):b=[((p[0],p[-1]),(len(p),p))for i in range(len(a))for p in permutations(a,i+1)if all(sum(q!=r for q,r in zip(*x))<2for x in zip(p,p[1:]))];return max(min(r for q,r in b if x==q)for x,y in b)[1]

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Basically, take all possible paths, only keep the ones that are valid, then go through each start-end combination, find the minimum path distance, and find the maximum of that.


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