Find the longest substring in alphabetical order
s = 'cyqfjhcclkbxpbojgkar'
r = ''
c = ''
for char in s:
if (c == ''):
c = char
elif (c[-1] <= char):
c += char
elif (c[-1] > char):
if (len(r) < len(c)):
r = c
c = char
c = char
if (len(c) > len(r)):
r = c
You can improve your algorithm by noticing that the string can be broken into runs of ordered substrings of maximal length. Any ordered substring must be contained in one of these runs
This allows you to just iterate once through the string O(n)
def longest_substring(string):
curr, subs = '', ''
for char in string:
if not curr or char >= curr[-1]:
curr += char
curr, subs = '', max(curr, subs, key=len)
return max(curr, subs, key=len)
s = 'cyqfjhcclkbxpbojgkar'
longest = ""
max =""
for i in range(len(s) -1):
if(s[i] <= s[i+1] ):
longest = longest + s[i]
if(i==len(s) -2):
longest = longest + s[i+1]
longest = longest + s[i]
if(len(longest) > len(max)):
max = longest
longest = ""
if(len(s) == 1):
longest = s
if(len(longest) > len(max)):
print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: " + longest)
print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: " + max)
Try changing this:
if len(set(substr)) != (end - start): # found duplicates or EOS
if (ord(max(sorted(substr))) - ord(min(sorted(substr))) + 1) == len(substr):
to this:
if len(substr) != (end - start): # found duplicates or EOS
if sorted(substr) == list(substr):
That will display ccl
for your example input string. The code is simpler because you're trying to solve a simpler problem :-)