Find the "unwrapped size" of a list

Retina, 1 byte


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By default, Retina counts the number of matches of the given regex in the input. The unwrapped size is simply equal to the number of [] pairs in the input and therefore to the number of ].

Mathematica, 9 bytes


Turns out there's a built-in for that...

Note that this wouldn't work if the lists actually contained non-list elements. What LeafCount really does is count the number of atomic subexpressions. For input {{}, {{}}}, the expression actually reads:

List[List[], List[List[]]]

Here the atomic subexpressions are actually the heads List.

Brainfuck, 71 61 59 bytes


Takes input from STDIN in the format given in the question, and outputs the character whose ASCII code is the list's "unwrapped size."

I'm still a complete amateur at Brainfuck, so there are most likely many optimizations that can still be made.

Try it online!


read input to tape
current tape: (0 0 1 a b *c)
where abc represents input and * is IP

now we loop over each character (from the end)
this loops assumes we are starting on the (current) last char
and it zeroes the entire string by the time it finishes

  subtract 91 from this character
  technically we only subtract 85 here and correct the answer
  with the 6 minus signs below
  current tape: (0 0 1 a b cminus91 *0)

  invert the result and put that in the next cell
  current tape: (0 0 1 a b 0 *c==91)

  move that result back to the original cell
  current tape: (0 0 1 a b *c==91)

  if the result is true we found a brace
  increment the very first cell if so
  current tape: (count 0 1 a *b)

current tape: (count *0)
