Find $x$ angle in triangle

Construct an equilateral triangle such that its sides are equal to the base of the main triangle. enter image description here

And my second solution is as follow: enter image description here

Let in $\Delta ABC$ we have $AB=AC$, $\measuredangle A=20^{\circ}$ and $\measuredangle ADC=x$ as on your picture.

Let $M\in AB$ such that $AD=MD$ and $K\in DC$ such that $MK=AD$.

Also, let $B'\in MB$ such that $MB'=AD$ and $C'\in KC$ such that $B'C'||BC.$

Thus, $$\measuredangle MKA=\measuredangle MDK=2\cdot20^{\circ}=40^{\circ}$$ and from here $$\measuredangle B'MK=40^{\circ}+20^{\circ}=60^{\circ},$$ which says $$B'K=MB'=AD=BC.$$ But $$\measuredangle B'KC'=60^{\circ}+20^{\circ}=80^{\circ}=\measuredangle BCA=\measuredangle B'C'A.$$

Thus, $$B'C'=B'K=AD=BC,$$ which says that $$B\equiv B'$$ and $$C\equiv C'.$$ Id est, $$\measuredangle BDC=10^{\circ}+20^{\circ}=30^{\circ}.$$