Finding C[i]'s expression in DSolve solution

It's possible to dig out C[_] directly from DSolve, with the help of TraceInternal:

eqn = y''[x] - 4 y[x] == 1;

constant = 
 Trace[DSolve[{eqn, y[0] == 1, y'[1] == -1}, y[x], x], HoldPattern[C[_] -> _], 
      TraceInternal -> True] // Flatten // ReleaseHold // Simplify // Union
(* {C[1] -> (5 - 2 E^2)/(4 + 4 E^4), C[2] -> (2 E^2 + 5 E^4)/(4 + 4 E^4)} *)

Or a bit shorter:

constant = Trace[DSolve[{eqn, y[0] == 1, y'[1] == -1}, y[x], x], 
    HoldPattern[{(C[_] -> _) ..}], TraceInternal -> True] // ReleaseHold // Flatten

The most obvious answer is to solve for the constants from the general solution directly. In this example, let

gensol = DSolve[y''[x] - 4 y[x] == 1, y[x], x][[1, 1, 2]]
(*-(1/4) + E^(2 x) C[1] + E^(-2 x) C[2]*)

Now we can construct a system of equations based on the boundary conditions specified in the problem to get explicit values for our general solution constants.

 Solve[{Evaluate[gensol /. x -> 0] == 1, 
   Evaluate[D[gensol, x] /. x -> 1] == -1}, {C[1], C[2]}]
(*{{C[1] -> (5 - 2 E^2)/(4 + 4 E^4), 
  C[2] -> (2 E^2 + 5 E^4)/(4 + 4 E^4)}}*)

In this example we also mess around a bit with the full solution to extract the general solution constants.

totsol = DSolve[{y''[x] - 4 y[x] == 1, y[0] == 1, y'[1] == -1}, y[x], 
   x][[1, 1, 2]]
(*-((E^(-2 x) (-2 E^2 - 5 E^4 + E^(2 x) - 5 E^(4 x) + E^(4 + 2 x) + 
    2 E^(2 + 4 x)))/(4 (1 + E^4)))*)

Collecting the results based on one of the functions appearing in the general solution we can extract the constants.

Collect[Expand[totsol], E^(2 x)]
(*-(1/(4 (1 + E^4))) - E^4/(4 (1 + E^4)) + 
 E^(2 x) (5/(4 (1 + E^4)) - E^2/(2 (1 + E^4))) + 
 E^(-2 x) (E^2/(2 (1 + E^4)) + (5 E^4)/(4 (1 + E^4)))*)

We can now simplify things a bit to get the constants.

FullSimplify[-(1/(4 (1 + E^4))) - E^4/(4 (1 + E^4))]
FullSimplify[{(5/(4 (1 + E^4)) - E^2/(2 (1 + E^4))), (E^2/(
    2 (1 + E^4)) + (5 E^4)/(4 (1 + E^4)))}]
(*{(5 - 2 E^2)/(4 + 4 E^4), (2 E^2 + 5 E^4)/(4 + 4 E^4)}*)

Checking that we get the same answer in both methods:

FullSimplify[{(5/(4 (1 + E^4)) - E^2/(2 (1 + E^4))), (E^2/(
     2 (1 + E^4)) + (5 E^4)/(4 (1 + E^4)))}] == 
   Solve[{Evaluate[gensol /. x -> 0] == 1, 
      Evaluate[D[gensol, x] /. x -> 1] == -1}, {C[1], 
      C[2]}][[;; , ;; , 2]]

If you do it the following way, applying the shown rules, you get the desired result.

This can be used for all types of equations.

    dsol = First@DSolve[y''[x] - 4 y[x] == 1, y, x]

    (*   {y -> Function[{x}, -(1/4) + E^(2 x) C[1] + E^(-2 x) C[2]]}    *)

    sol = First@Solve[{y[0] == a, y'[0] == b} /. dsol, {C[1], C[2]}]

    (*    {C[1] -> 1/8 (1 + 4 a + 2 b), C[2] -> 1/8 + a/2 - b/4}    *)

    ys[x_, a_, b_] = (y[x] /. dsol /. sol)

    (*   -(1/4) + (1/8 + a/2 - b/4) E^(-2 x) + 1/8 (1 + 4 a + 2 b) E^(2 x)   *)