Finding Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Minimal Elements (Vertices) with XSLT/XPath?

You can take advantage of XPath's implicit existential quantification on the = operator:

<xsl:for-each select="//vertex[not(@name = //vertex/directed-edge-to/@vertex)]">

When you use any of the six comparison operators (=, !=, <, <=, >, and >=) to compare a node-set, the expression will return true if any node in the node-set satisfies the condition. When comparing one node-set with another, the expression returns true if any node in the first node-set satisfies the condition when compared with any node in the second node-set. XPath 2.0 introduces six new operators that don't perform this existential quantification (eq, ne, lt, le, gt, and ge). But in your case, you'll want to use "=" to get that existential quantification.

Note of course, that you'll still want to use the not() function as you were doing. Most of the time, it's good to avoid the != operator. If you used it here instead of not(), then it would return true if there are any @vertex attributes that are not equal to the @name value, which is not your intention. (And if either node-set is empty, then it would return false, as comparisons with empty node-sets always return false.)

If you want to use eq instead, then you'd have to do something like you did: separate out the conditional from the iteration so you could bind current(). But in XPath 2.0, you can do this within an expression:

<xsl:for-each select="for $v in //vertex
                      return $v[not(//directed-edge-to[@vertex eq $v/@name])]">

This is useful for when your condition isn't a simple equality comparison (and thus can't be existentially quantified using "="). For example: starts-with(@vertex, $v/@name).

XPath 2.0 also has an explicit way of performing existential quantification. Instead of the for expression above, we could have written this:

<xsl:for-each select="//vertex[not(some $e in //directed-edge-to
                                   satisfies @name eq $e/@vertex)]">

In addition to the "some" syntax, XPath 2.0 also supplies a corresponding "every" syntax for performing universal quantification.

Rather than using for-each, you could also use template rules, which are more modular (and powerful):

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

  <xsl:template match="/">

  <!-- Copy vertex elements that have no arrows pointing to them -->
  <xsl:template match="vertex[not(@name = //directed-edge-to/@vertex)]">
    <minimal-vertex name="{@name}"/>


Again, in this case, we're relying on the existential quantification of =.

XSLT 1.0 prohibits use of the current() function in patterns, i.e., in the match attribute, but XSLT 2.0 allows it. In that case, current() refers to the node currently being matched. So in XSLT 2.0, we could also write this (without having to use a for expression):

<xsl:template match="vertex[not(//directed-edge-to[@vertex eq current()/@name])]">

Note that this pattern is essentially the same as the expression you tried to use in for-each, but whereas it doesn't do what you want in for-each, it does do what you want in the pattern (because what current() binds to is different).

Finally, I'll add one more variation that in some ways simplifies the logic (removing not()). This also goes back to using XSLT 1.0:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

  <xsl:template match="/">

  <!-- By default, copy vertex elements -->
  <xsl:template match="vertex">
    <minimal-vertex name="{@name}"/>

  <!-- But strip out vertices with incoming arrows -->
  <xsl:template match="vertex[@name = //directed-edge-to/@vertex]"/>


If you don't like the whitespace being output, add an empty rule for text nodes, so they'll get stripped out (overriding the default rule for text nodes, which is to copy them):

<xsl:template match="text()"/>

Or you could just be more selective in what nodes you apply templates to:

<xsl:apply-templates select="/dag/vertex"/>

Which approach you take is partially dependent on taste, partially dependent on the wider context of your stylesheet and expected data (how much the input structure might vary, etc.).

I know I went way beyond what you were asking for, but I hope you at least found this interesting. :-)

One such XPath 1.0 expression is:

        /*/vertex[not(@name = /*/vertex/directed-edge-to/@vertex)]

Then just put it into an XSLT stylesheet like that:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

    <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:for-each select=
          "/*/vertex[not(@name = /*/vertex/directed-edge-to/@vertex)]"
           <minimal-vertex name="{@name}"/>

When this stylesheet is applied on the originally-provided XML document:

    <vertex name="A">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="C"/>
    <vertex name="B">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="C"/>
        <directed-edge-to vertex="D"/>
    <vertex name="C">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="E"/>
    <vertex name="D">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="E"/>
    <vertex name="E">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="G"/>
    <vertex name="F">
        <directed-edge-to vertex="G"/>
    <vertex name="G"/>

The wanted result is produced:

  <minimal-vertex name="A" />
  <minimal-vertex name="B" />
  <minimal-vertex name="F" />

Do note: A solution for traversing full (maybe cyclic) graphs is available in XSLT here.