Finding edges in a graph with similar lengths

As Thomas@ asked in the comments, the solution of the problem depends on your definition of "as close as possible". Let's define the set of edges in the solution to be S. Assuming the definition was chosen to be minimizing max(S) - min(S) (which is a reasonable assumption in practice), then this problem can definitely be solved in polynomial time.

Here's an example of the solution. For 100 nodes it will only take seconds.


First of all, you must know the maximum matching problem for bipartite graphs, and that it can be solved in polynomial time. The most straight-forward Hungarian Algorithm takes O(nm) in which n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges. And for planar graph which is your case, there are more sophisticated algorithms that can further improve the performance.

Let's define this to be a function Max_Match(X), which returns the maximum number of matches in edge set X.

This Max_Match can be calculated in less than O(n^1.5), in which n is the number of nodes. For n=100, we have only n^1.5 = 1000.


Then let's convert your problem to the maximum matching problem.

Let's define the set of edges E to all the edges we can pick from. In your case there are n*n edges in E, where n is the number of nodes on one side.

Let's define function F(E, low, high) = {e | e in E and |e| >= low and |e| <= high } which means the subset edges of E whose lengths are between [low, high]

Then for a given pair of numbers low and high, your problem has a solution if and only if

Max_Match( F (E, low, high)) == n


However, how do we figure out the value of low and high ?

The possible values of low and high are every possible numbers in {|e|, e in E}, which has n^2 numbers. So trying all the possible combinations of low and high will cost n^4. That's a lot.

If we already know low, can we figure out high without enumeration? The answer is positive. Notice that :

lemma 1

If for a number h we have Max_Match( F (E, low, h)) == n

Then for every number h' >= h we also have

Max_Match( F (E, low, h')) == n

What this means is that we can use binary search to figure out high once we fix low.


So the framework of the final solution:

arr[] = {|e|, e in E}.sort()
for i in range(0, len(arr[])):
  low = i
  h_left = i, h_right = len(arr[])-1
  while h_left <= h_right:
    mid = (h_left+h_right)/2
    if Max_Match( F( E, arr[low], arr[mid]))==n:
      h_right = mid - 1
      h_left = mid + 1
  if h_left >= low:
    if arr[h_left] - arr[low] <= ans:
      ans = arr[h_left] - arr[low]

And ans will be the minimal difference between the edges in the solution. This algorithm costs O(n^3.5 * log(n)), in which n is the number of nodes.

Edit: a simple and ugly implementation of above algorithm in c++ can be found at: . Because I'm short of time, I handcrafted a simple Hungarian algorithm in this solution, which is slow when n is large. To achieve better performance you will need the algorithm I included in part 1 for planar graphs.

