Finding the number of digits of an integer

I don't know, and the answer may well be different depending on how your individual language is implemented.

So, stress test it! Implement all three solutions. Run them on 1 through 1,000,000 (or some other huge set of numbers that's representative of the numbers the solution will be running against) and time how long each of them takes.

Pit your solutions against one another and let them fight it out. Like intellectual gladiators. Three algorithms enter! One algorithm leaves!

Well the correct answer would be to measure it - but you should be able to make a guess about the number of CPU steps involved in converting strings and going through them looking for an end marker

Then think how many FPU operations/s your processor can do and how easy it is to calculate a single log.

edit: wasting some more time on a monday morning :-)

String s = new Integer(t).toString(); 
int len = s.length();

One of the problems with high level languages is guessing how much work the system is doing behind the scenes of an apparently simple statement. Mandatory Joel link

This statement involves allocating memory for a string, and possibly a couple of temporary copies of a string. It must parse the integer and copy the digits of it into a string, possibly having to reallocate and move the existing memory if the number is large. It might have to check a bunch of locale settings to decide if your country uses "," or ".", it might have to do a bunch of unicode conversions.
Then finding the length has to scan the entire string, again considering unicode and any local specific settings such as - are you in a right->left language?.


digits = floor( log10( number ) ) + 1;

Just because this would be harder for you to do on paper doesn't mean it's hard for a computer! In fact a good rule in high performance computing seems to have been - if something is hard for a human (fluid dynamics, 3d rendering) it's easy for a computer, and if it's easy for a human (face recognition, detecting a voice in a noisy room) it's hard for a computer!

You can generally assume that the builtin maths functions log/sin/cos etc - have been an important part of computer design for 50years. So even if they don't map directly into a hardware function in the FPU you can bet that the alternative implementation is pretty efficient.

There's always this method:

n = 1;
if ( i >= 100000000 ) { n += 8; i /= 100000000; }
if ( i >= 10000     ) { n += 4; i /= 10000; }
if ( i >= 100       ) { n += 2; i /= 100; }
if ( i >= 10        ) { n += 1; }