Finding vampire numbers
Consider the trusty DivisorPair
function from MrWizard:
DivisorPairs[n_] := Thread[{#,Reverse[#]}][[;;Ceiling[Length[#]/2]]]&[Divisors[n]]
returns pairs of divisors multiplying together to form n
. From these, select those pairs with both divisors having half the number of digits of n
. Then check that the sorted digits of n
match the sorted digits of one or more of the remaining divisor pairs.
Block[{m, d, p},
m = IntegerLength[n]/2;
d = Sort[IntegerDigits[n]];
p = Select[DivisorPairs[n], IntegerLength[#] == {m, m} &];
Select[p, Sort[Flatten[IntegerDigits[#]]] == d &] =!= {}
is about 6 times faster than the OEIS fQ
AbsoluteTiming[With[{r = Range[1000, 9999]}, Pick[r, VampireNumberQ[r]]]]
{0.227699, {1260, 1395, 1435, 1530, 1827, 2187, 6880}}
The Vampire Numbers that the OP refers to are a simple case of a more general problem of expressing numbers in terms of their own digits ... sometimes called Narcissistic Numbers.
Why write 1296 when you can write:
For a classification of these different types (including vampire Numbers), see for instance:
Some years ago, I played around with these structures in Mathematica, and wrote a fun little paper on it for the Journal of Recreational Mathematics (volume 33(4), 2004-2005, pp.250-254) on generalising these structures to includes radicals and factorials etc, which I called: Pretty Wild Narcissistic Numbers, or Numbers that PWN.
For the Vampire case, for any 4 digit number abcd
, the possible permutations into 2 and 2 numbers are:
perm2 = Map[ Partition[#,2]&, Permutations[{a,b,c,d}]];
The 24 possible products of those couplings are:
tes[{a_, b_, c_, d_}] = Map[ Times@@(Map[FromDigits, #, 1])&, perm2]
{(10 a + b) (10 c + d), (10 a + b) (c + 10 d), (10 a + c) (10 b + d), (10 a + c) (b + 10 d), (10 b + c) (10 a + d), (b + 10 c) (10 a + d), (a + 10 b) (10 c + d), (a + 10 b) (c + 10 d), (10 b + c) (10 a + d), (10 b + c) (a + 10 d), (10 a + c) (10 b + d), (a + 10 c) (10 b + d), (a + 10 c) (10 b + d), (a + 10 c) (b + 10 d), (b + 10 c) (10 a + d), (b + 10 c) (a + 10 d), (10 a + b) (10 c + d), (a + 10 b) (10 c + d), (10 b + c) (a + 10 d), (b + 10 c) (a + 10 d), (10 a + c) (b + 10 d), (a + 10 c) (b + 10 d), (10 a + b) (c + 10 d), (a + 10 b) (c + 10 d)}
The following takes 0.09 seconds to solve:
ParallelTable[If[ MemberQ[ tes[IntegerDigits[i]], i], i], {i, 1000,9999}], _Integer]
// AbsoluteTiming
{0.090674, {1260, 1395, 1435, 1530, 1827, 2187, 6880}}
Since FindInstance
willl not give us the whole solution set I prefer to use Solve
{a, b, c, d} /.
Solve[ Or @@ ({1000, 100, 10, 1}.{a, b, c, d} == (10 #1 + #2)(10 #3 + #4)& @@@
Permutations[{a, b, c, d}]) && And @@ Thread[1 <= # <= 9 &@{a, b, c}]&&
0 <= d <= 9, {a, b, c, d}, Integers]
{{1, 2, 6, 0}, {1, 3, 9, 5}, {1, 4, 3, 5}, {1, 5, 3, 0}, {1, 8, 2, 7}, {2, 1, 8, 7}, {6, 8, 8, 0}}