findViewById not working for an include?

I just wanted to add to this for future Googlers, I had kind of the opposite problem where the root layout of the included xml (in this case outer), was null when calling findViewById(), but the children of outer were not null.

The problem was solved for me by removing the id property of the include 'view' (in this case placeHolder). When that was gone, I could find outer but it's id :)

If you need a an id assigned to the include item, I think it's better to wrap it in another viewgroup.

Try retrieving the <include /> and then searching within that

Make sure your root has the same ID as the root element in the included XML file.. ex

    layout="@layout/test" />

Then retrieve your "inner" content using:

FrameLayout outer = (FrameLayout)findViewById(;

ImageView iv = (ImageView)outer.findViewById(;
if (iv == null) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Not found!");

