Finished with error: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

This often happens when you try to re open or clone a project that created a while ago. to fix it all you need to do is this :

flutter pub upgrade

Here is an image to help you understand what to use more clearly:

The primary problem looks to be that you are using version 0.9.0 of the cloud_firestore plugin which has been migrated to AndroidX, but your project has not been migrated. So, it would appear the two options are to either use the previous version of the cloud_firestore plugin or migrate your project to AndroidX.

To migrate your project to AndroidX, follow the link I mention in my comment above (Firebase auth plugin crash IOS and android #27422) and under the Android section of my initial response (posted under username app-o-matix), follow Steps 1-3. The remaining steps and follow up post may be of help in avoiding additional problems.

Here are Steps 1-3 from the linked page (I use IntelliJ Idea CE and select Swift and Kotlin in creating my Flutter projects):

1) Open the Android portion of your Flutter project in Android Studio. Make sure you are using Android Studio 3.3. (I closed IntelliJ Idea altogether, opened Android Studio, clicked on File > Open, and navigated to the ~/IdeaProjects/[my_project]/android folder in my Flutter project. Upon opening the Android project followed by Android Studio starting to sync it, a message/pop-up appeared asking if it could update the Gradle plugin, so I let it. It was upgraded to version 3.3.0.)

2) Add the following 2 lines to the bottom of the [my_project]/android/ file:


Note: I'm not sure if android.enableJetifier=true could have been, or should have been, set to false. Perhaps someone else can clarify under which conditions it should be true vs false. I believe it has something to do with whether or not the project has additional libraries that haven't yet been migrated to AndroidX, but, if my belief is correct, I don't know if when this setting is set to true it means Android Studio will migrate these libraries to AndroidX or that it will make code adjustments to account for the fact that the libraries aren't yet AndroidX compatible. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and it is something else altogether.

3) In the Android Studio main menus, select Refactor > Migrate to Androidx..., saving a backup of your project to a .zip file. Follow this with File > Save All and then quit Android Studio.

As an extra measure after the migration, in IntelliJ Idea I run Tools > Flutter > Flutter Clean, File > Save All, File > Invalidate Caches and Restart where I choose to both invalidate caches and restart, then after the restart Tools > Flutter > Flutter Packages Get.