Firebase CocoaPods Installation Not Working

Check what version of Firebase is installed when you use pod 'Firebase'. For me it installs 2.4.3 which is an old version. The docs say that the pod should install 3.2 using that pod. It explains why the other pods don't work as they are part of Firebase 3. Pod update doesn't update Firebase to the latest version either. Even forcing a version doesn't work. It can't seem to find the new Firebase versions even though they are in the same podspec.

Here is how I solved it:

  • make sure you have the latest version of git installed

  • make sure you have cocoapods >= 1.0.0 installed

  • delete your pods repo (run pod repo remove master) and use pod setup to make a new one

  • use the following in your pod file

    pod 'Firebase/Auth'

    pod 'Firebase/Database'

    pod 'Firebase/Core'

(use whatever you want, just don't use 'Firebase')

  • pod install
  • everything should install properly

Running 'pod repo remove master' to remove the Pods repo //removes the library

Running 'pod setup' //clones the updated git repo for specs which takes long time as its size is beyond 300K (Be patient!)

Running 'pod install' //problem is solved

have you tried to add

frameworks use_frameworks!

after target 'RandomName' line

and adding

platform :ios, '9.0'

before target ....